2019 SBSS Student Paper Award Winners Congrats to the following student (and coauthor) winners of the SBSS student paper competition!

Satwik Acharyya, Texas A&M University Leah Comment, Harvard University Giri Gopalan, University of Iceland Aritra Guha, University of Michigan Kelly Li Kang, University of Texas-Austin Yusha Liu, Rice University Qi Ma, North Carolina State University Sayan Patra, Duke University Mingwei William Tang, University of Washington Yixin Wang, Columbia University

We had 42 entrants in total. The above ten winners will receive travel awards to present their research at two Topic Contributed sessions at the upcoming JSM in Denver. The winner of the Laplace prize will be selected from this group and announced at the JSM. Also, we would like to thank the review committee for their efforts in reviewing all the submitted manuscripts!